Ramon Gil got his first cartooning byline at the age of ten and is still waiting to get paid. Despite that he has been making up stories ever since though sometimes for highly questionable reasons. His favorite genres are science fiction, espionage and conspiracy theories sprinkled with lots of witty dialogue which he plagiarizes from conversations with people who are way smarter and funnier than he is. Ramon is taking credit for work done for Dynamite Comics, Atlas Unleashed, Vortex Comics, Bleeding Cool, The Beat, Comics Creator News, The Nerdist and Comics Experience. He is the creator ofThe Whiz Kids from DARPA, Everybody Needs a Hero, Truer Than Trousdale, Senturies and the Scifies and Black Stories Matter anthologies. He enjoys helping creators through coaching, workshops and panel discussions at various comic cons. Currently, he teaches comics making to impressionable young creators at Yeshiva University and the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). He is the founder and organizer of Diversity Comic Con and the Symposium on Comic Arts. Ramon got his Bachelor of Arts from California State University, Long Beach and earned his Master of Fine Art degree in Illustration in 2022 from FIT. His thesis Comic Books versus Graphic Novels is available on Amazon.
Some Praise
"The Hard Code is an exciting sci-fi crime story with a well thought out and developed plot, which pulls you in from the first word balloon. The smart and tense banter between Detectives Drake and Garcia will have you checking in on their tumultuous relationship for issues to come. A refreshing take on the age-old man vs. machine."
- Theresa Romano,The Mary Sue
"Scifies is a wonderful preview of an artist on the verge of greatness."
- Belle Gaskin-Burr, Pop Culture Uncovered
"Ramon Gil is a writer who treasures his craft."
- Tom DeFalco, Writer/Editor
"It is an honest pleasure to find not only a science fiction title out there, but one produced by a writer who seems to understand that drama doesn't have to be all dramatic, and humor doesn't have to be all belly-laughs."
- Robert Sodaro, The Examiner.com
"Clever, funny, a guy who's willing to put his money where his mouth is and I can totally see Captain Picard going to Katz's Deli. I think Ramon Gil has quite a future ahead of him, and I'm looking forward to reading more of his work."
- Mike Gold, Comic Mix
"If you're a fan of good ol' science-fiction then look no further than
Ramon Gil's Scifies Greatest Hits. A fun read with clever comics
covering anything from aliens to government conspiracies to superheroes, there's a story for any science-fiction lover."
- Heather Antos, Marvel Comics
"Just when you thought every good sci-fi story has already been
written, Ramon Gil proves that wrong with his amazing series Scifies!"
- Matt Herring, Secret Identity Podcast
"I really enjoyed it...Great stuff! Chose it as one of my top three picks!"
- Jimmy Aquino, Comics News Insider
"Off to an energetic, dynamic start, The Hard Code might take place in the future, but its themes are all too here-and-now."
- Adam Beechen, Transformers